Wednesday 1 April 2009

Run after work!

This is the first time that I have ever run after work, well except for the clumpy (work shoes are not meant for running) run up to the top of the hill where I park my car, when I am at work, but that is because I want to get home quickly. Anyway, the run... it was hard but good. After being on my feet all day at work, I did wonder what the hell I was contemplating, but after the first mile or so the endorphins kicked in and I could have run all night. All in all about four miles, with my workmate, Marc. Nice to go out with someone for a change, it can get a bit lonely when running solo sometimes, whilst other times it is pure bliss. A perfect time to un-jumble all the jumbled up thoughts in my head.

Now I am back at home. The house is strangely empty. Charlotte, my 17 year old daughter, has gone back to her mum's house and Kez is at college.

I need to do some work on I have got my supplier all sorted, but need to get the front-end up and running. Basically, I need to design a web shop. Not really difficult or anything, just need time and concentration. Maybe get it sorted at the weekend.

Monday 30 March 2009

I return..

Not been near my blog for so long. Work has taken over my life somewhat.

Been on many trips since August last year, and all good.

Just setting up an online shop - been a dream of mine for ages. is the addy, so you will get the gist of what it is selling - hehehe

OMG, just had a call that my dinner is ready so off I go, so quickly!!!