Sunday 24 August 2008

Dead Legs

First leg of the double bet came off. Just have to wait for tomorrow for the second part to work. Pot will be well up if it does.

Went out for a bike ride this morning, about 6 miles and walked around Draycote Reservoir with Kerrie this afternoon, which is 5 miles. My legs are really hurting but I just cannot seem to rest them. I really didn't want to go for the walk but was badgered into it. I would much rather have visited Ant and Karen, which was the plan in the first place.... Valuable beer drinking time lost!! We had a good old chat about stuff as we walked though, so it was good from that point of view. Usual stuff - putting the World to rights...

Kez has kinda moved in. Which is nice. We are going out to the Huntsman in Dunchurch for a birthday meal for her (she is 30 years old on Tuesday!!!), and then we will pile into the Dun Cow for a few beers. Out with her friends so I best be on my best behaviour..

Put a load of audio books onto my MP3 player for when I am on the plane and by the pool. Just about got the whole of Harry Potter on the thing, so that will be good. Fuerteventura here we come!!!

Not really done much else today, just sat around chatting and stuff!!! But nice to do that sometimes (o:

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